Once your order has been placed and as long as there is no incident with the payment or the stock of the products, within approximately 24 working hours you will receive an email, indicating that your order has already left our warehouse.
Given that we make thousands of shipments per year and the rates of the transport companies vary frequently, depending on the region or country where the shipment is made, we could use one or another company, always looking for maximum speed within the service transport contracted at the time of purchase.
If you have received an email or text message on your mobile phone, with the tracking link of your expedition, from it, you can check the status of your shipment at any time and some transport companies also offer you the possibility of modify some delivery parameters.
We will always provide you with a unique tracking number or reference for your shipment, which you can use to track it directly on the carrier's pages or make any kind of inquiry to it.
If 48 working hours have elapsed since you placed your order, you have not received any information regarding the tracking of your shipment, contact us, from the CONTACT section or through the email [email protected] and we will provide you with all the information that we can.
Next, to go to the shipment tracking page of some of the transport companies we work with, click on the corresponding logo. These pages could be in a different language than yours and you will need to use the tracking reference to make any queries.